Conservative candidate for West Lancashire, Mike Prendergast has criticised Labour plans to impose VAT on independent school fees.
The proposals have been criticised by many in the education sector as Labour waging an ideological war on one part of the education system which could lead to an influx of students into the state education sector.
Mike Prendergast said, “There are around 500,000 pupils in private schools across the country. If even a relatively small number of families decide to move their children into the state sector because they can’t afford the fees anymore, say 10%, that will lead to 50,000 children moving into state schools.
Labour still have not explained where these children will go, there are not hundreds of empty class rooms waiting to be filled. Across Lancashire there is already pressure on school places, especially for those children with special educational needs (SEND).
In West Lancashire we have independent schools within the constituency and nearby with many local families sending their children to these schools. If they now move into the state sector it will put entirely avoidable pressure on local schools.
It’s also worth noting that within the private sector there are around 103,000 with SEND needs, all being provided for by those private schools they attend. If a portion of these children are forced into the state sector then it will place huge demands on local authorities to provide EHCP’s (Education Health and Care Plans) and additional SEND support in our local schools.
Labour have also indicated that those children with EHCP’s will be exempt from the VAT increase which will mean that families with children with SEND needs in private schools at the moment will also push for EHCP’s for their children to avoid paying the VAT, putting even more pressure on resources in Lancashire.
The policy is badly thought through and driven by ideology, it effectively amounts to a parent tax. Right now we have families in West Lancashire who pay their taxes and choose to send their children to private school, effectively not taking up their children’s place in the state sector.
Why not just let them? Why are Labour looking to punish people who pay their taxes but want to send their children to an independent school?
This policy will only cause problems in the education sector, will put pressure on local schools here in West Lancashire and will place entirely avoidable pressure on SEND support and funding across West Lancashire as well.”